Monday, March 25, 2024

blog #4 (Postal Service)

History of the Postal Service


Postal systems can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Persia, and Rome. Early methods of mail service required messengers, couriers, and relay stations to transport messages and goods. Couriers are the people who deliver the mail, and relay stations are such as radio stations or some sort of announcement system. These messengers traveled by a system of couriers by horse. Mail could be delivered from one end of the giant Persian Empire to another in at least a few days.

In Medieval Europe, organizational postal systems developed under rulers like Charlemagne and later monarchs. Courier networks were established to deliver letters and official communications. State-run postal systems emerged in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. Postage fees and standardized rates for mail delivery were introduced. Postal networks grew to connect major cities and trading centers.

In colonial America, Colonists in North America relied on informal postal arrangements, including private messengers. In 1691, the British Crown established the first official postal service in the colo
nies, appointing Andrew Hamilton as the first Postmaster General of the American colonies.

In 1775, the Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General of the United States. The Postal Act of 1792 established the United States Post Office Department as a federal agency responsible for mail delivery. Inventions like stagecoaches and steamboats have facilitated the expansion of postal routes and delivery services to cover growing territories.

In the 19th century, adhesive postage stamps were introduced in the UK in 1840 and the US in 1847 to prepay postage. Railway mail service was developed, significantly speeding up mail delivery nationwide. Rural Free Delivery, or RFD, was established in the late 19th century to deliver mail to rural areas.

Electronic communication technologies changed postal services in the 20th century. Airmail services were introduced to eliminate long-distance mail delivery, which benefitted everyone. In 1971, the United States Postal Service, or USPS, was created as an independent agency and replaced the Post Office Department. Postal services evolved into package delivery, electronic tracking, and online services.

Online Shopping

Postal services faced difficulties with the rise of email and electronic communication. To improve efficiency and reduce costs, they created automatic and digital technologies. They also expanded into new areas, such as package delivery, to remain competitive in the modern market. Examples could include a company like Amazon, which relies on a postage service to help customers receive their orders, or any website that offers online shopping through the United States Postal Service. 

The postal service's history reflects the evolution of communication and transportation technologies over the centuries. Despite challenges, postal services remain vital in global communication, commerce, and connectivity, especially after the rise in online shopping. 

Report • By Monique Morrissey • December 16. “The War against the Postal Service: Postal Services Should Be Expanded for the Public Good, Not Diminished by Special Interests.” Economic Policy Institute, Accessed 25 Mar. 2024. 

United States Postal Service - March 14. Postal Facts - U.S. Postal Service, 14 Mar. 2024,,PMG%20was%20a%20Cabinet%20member.&text=With%20Informed%20Delivery%20service%2C%20you,computer%2C%20tablet%20or%20mobile%20device

“United States Postal Service.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 25 Mar. 2024,  


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog #2 (the founding era)

 The United States Supreme Court comprises nine Chief Justices nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. This is a fact that we are taught in grade school. I had assumed that all Justices started on an even playing field all being equal. While they are equal in their ability to write their opinions or dissent on the opinions of the cases during the conference, where they deliberate on the decision, there was an unspoken hierarchy. During a Supreme court hearing a lawyer presents their oral arguments of their petition (case) to the Justices; once the lawyer finishes his argument the Justices ask questions. Sometimes, these questions are based on items in the brief, and sometimes, the questions center on something the Justices see is missing in the brief. Once the case is heard, a few days later, the Justices meet in a “conference” to deliberate. I was surprised to learn that there was an unspoken hierarchy during these discussions or debates. When Chief Justice Rehnquist was an associate, he said sometimes, Justices would have a chance to speak twice or thrice when another Justice had not had the opportunity yet. He championed allowing each Justice to speak during deliberations once before anyone had a second chance to speak. This is an informal rule they now follow. This sense of equality amongst themselves is why I believe they are so respected.

The Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate; two political bodies. The Justices must have the people's trust to be above political influence to also have their respect. They are responsible for making decisions based on the Constitution and not political beliefs. Because their cases are heard in front of the public, their decisions and opinions are written then distributed and explained I think it gives a sense of transparency to the American people. The most important take away I have is that yes, the Supreme Court Justices are people like you, or I who are charged with an enormous responsibility to interpret and make decisions based on a document that was written by our founding fathers without outside political or personal influence. This is a huge honor and burden to carry.

I had always assumed that an appeal to the Supreme Court was only written by lawyers. I learned that anyone could write an appeal, even someone in prison. This process and system really are designed for all people, especially after the 14th Amendment.

When we learn about the Supreme Court in lower school, the focus is on the Justices. The number of staff and aids who support them is extensive and all play an important role in the decision-making process. They process and review the petitions as they are received, more than 100 per week. They review them, research cases and the arguments, and then present them to the Justices. During the decision process the staff works to edit the often-changing opinions of the Justice. I never realized the Justices' support and the impact that had on allowing the Justice to focus on their role. It would be an honor to be on the staff of a Supreme Court Justice.

Blog post #3 (privacy online and off)

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Blog Post #1 (news sources)

 Social media platforms like Instagram can be a double-edged sword for staying informed. Although they offer a distinctive and visually appealing way to access news and information, their reliability relies on the credibility of the sources you follow. While the app may not always be a shiny, bright light of factual information and can sometimes show biases, it is still a popular hub for compelling visual content and firsthand perspectives on current events.

The Apple News app provides a more tailored and reliable news experience. Its customizable news feed feature lets users handpick their preferred sources and create personalized news streams. The user-friendly app is a convenient tool for staying up-to-date while catering to individual tastes. While also being able to pick your ad preferences also adds to the personalized feel of this news source.

For those wanting to stay informed about their local happenings, News Break is the app to look at. It focuses on delivering straightforward and factual news updates from the High Point community. The platform guarantees that users receive new and relevant information without hidden biases. This app gives various news stories, such as crimes, politics, and traffic updates in your city, acting as a virtual local newspaper.

Meanwhile, YouTube is a universal content hub offering various topics, ranging from news coverage to fashion trends. Despite its diverse content, the ads on this app can sometimes hinder users' experience, particularly when bombarded with repetitive and politically charged advertisements. YouTube remains a valuable information source for those seeking a more customized approach to their news consumption habits and those who prefer listening to stories rather than reading them.

On the other hand, Google News pulls together stories from many sources to provide users with a broad overview of current events, worldwide or local. While its extensive selection of news articles is respected, the platform's heavy focus on political stories, especially during crucial election periods, may overshadow other important news topics. Therefore, users may find Google News most suitable for browsing casual news rather than deep-dive information.

My generation and their relationship with technology

Given the age of technology I was born into, I use it way more than I realistically should. I was given a phone at the age of ten to have ...