Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Diffusion of Innovation theory (Snapchat)

Snapchat was created in September 2011 by Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy. This app's primary purpose was to make it possible to snap moments and quickly direct message them to your friends. Snapchat has evolved through the generations it has been alive through. Snapchat gave people who couldn't communicate through regular messaging systems, whether in a different country or whatever the issue, a mainstream app to share funny filters, videos, and much more. Once the early adapters had been on this app for a little Snapchat had created an easier way to add friends, such as the QR code scanner, where it would automatically add that person as a friend, or the quick add feature, where it synched your contacts or found mutual friends and compiled it into a list where you could click a button and add them. Late adapters are more so for those who weren't old enough to get Snapchat when it was at its peak, but they had wanted it for so long because it was so trendy. I know people who have gotten Snapchat and still use it as their only form of communication with people. This concept is unethical because there are so many ways random people can add you, see your location, and send unsolicited pictures without you even moving a finger. Out of all the apps I have ever owned Snapchat has scared me the most regarding my information being out there for people to see. Though there are ways you can turn off your location there are new developments that allow people to pay for the app and they can see who you are chatting with and beyond. It is just another way for people to acquire your information. It is terrifying for young people on the app because a lot of predators can catfish their identity, and kids just don't know better but to play right into their antics. I don't know if the positives of this app outweigh the negatives because it is all perspective, but depending on how the app is handled and used, I would say it has had a positive effect on most people. Snapchat has just begun charging people for their premium version, but the app is totally free for the basic version.

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