Wednesday, May 1, 2024

My generation and their relationship with technology

Given the age of technology I was born into, I use it way more than I realistically should. I was given a phone at the age of ten to have mobile contact with my parents. It was okay for me to have a phone then, but I was given access to social media too early. All my family and friends had social media accounts, and I wanted one myself, so I created one once I got permission. There was no logical reason I posted on Instagram as a twelve-year-old. I spend a lot of time on social media in my downtime when there are better things I could and should be spending time on. Technology is full of misinformation, and I take everything I see online with a grain of salt until I can fact-check it. I have accepted that false information will be everywhere and that you should never trust what you see online because it is fake. This false information could range from a post that a famous person died even when they didn't to a facetuned picture of a female that gives unrealistic body standards to those who see it. This was one of the reasons I wish I didn't have social media at an early age. You don't fully realize it creates a beauty standard within you. As all my family members grow up and move away from each other, technology is working for the better. We have 24/7 access to a conversation and get the luxury of sharing photos and face-to-face interactions over our phones. I know my mom loves looking at Facebook and seeing what others are up to. Another thing that has been good for my family's older and busy people is online shopping. It allows them to look an item up online and purchase it, so they don't have to spend time going anywhere to acquire whatever they need. After looking up my name, the only person to come up is a famous singer with the same name as me. There is no trace of me that I have ever found on Google. Other than my current Instagram and facebook accounts, no other accounts are available to the public. I am grateful for the lack of online presence; granted, there is nothing I would want or need to edit out of the internet. Out of curiosity, I have also looked up both of my parents, and another famous person came up for my dad. My mom's LinkedIn account showed up, but that is all. Technology has grown rapidly with my generation and doesn't seem to be slowing down. Studies have shown that 66% of Gen Z use more than one tech gadget at once. My generation is the reason tech companies come out with new and pretty technology every year. For example, Apple will create every color phone on the planet and you would be naive to think that is for the 50+ crew. One thing my generation has adapted to is the speed of everything. We lose patience if a site takes longer than 3 minutes to load in. According to a study by Markerly, 60% of Gen Zers reported that they would exit out of a website or app if it took too long to load or was difficult to navigate. When it comes to old tech, a survey by Whistle shows that 79% of Gen Zers reported being unfamiliar with VCRs. As I was talking about earlier, social media has played a huge role because you can do whatever you please on it. You can sell things, buy things, update people on your life, text and video message, watch videos and movies, etc… 81% of Gen Z are engaged in social media. Overall technology is my generation and it will be interesting to see how that will shape us in the future compared to those who didn't grow up with tech.

My generation and their relationship with technology

Given the age of technology I was born into, I use it way more than I realistically should. I was given a phone at the age of ten to have ...